How It All Works

The only way out is through.

Robert Frost

Wondering what happens after you call or email me? Let’s talk it through…

When you call, if I am available, I will answer. If I don’t answer, and it isn’t in the middle of the night, I am probably in session. Please leave a message. I will call you back as soon as possible, within 24 hours at the latest.

I know how important your call is. I don’t want you to wait any longer than you already have.

When we do speak, I will ask you about yourself and your interest in therapy. Hearing about your needs will help me confirm that I am the right therapist to help you. Meeting your needs and being successful in therapy has everything to do with me being the best fit for you.

If we both agree to work together, we will schedule a session. I have morning, afternoon, and evening sessions available. If we cannot work together, offering a referral for someone who might be a better fit is my pleasure. Getting you the best fit is important!

Initial Session-Intake

When you come in for your first session, please feel free to make yourself comfortable, have a complimentary warm beverage, water and snack. Take a seat and relax. I will be with you promptly at our scheduled time.

There will be an Intake packet with general information about yourself (name, birthdate, etc.) along with consent and release forms to complete. I will explain what each form is and its purpose. I can assist you in completing them.


During the Assessment, I will ask you numerous questions about your past through present day. This information will help me understand your experiences, a little about who you are, and what brings you to therapy. We will also determine some initial goals you have for therapy.

Being vulnerable during this process can be difficult for some people, and that is okay. We move at your pace – whatever you feel comfortable with.

Imagine, being in the driver’s seat of your favorite car, while I am in the passenger seat. The driver (You) controls the pace, the roads and paths we take, and the stops we make along the way. I am in the passenger seat, there to help assist you on this journey. The goal is to take this journey alongside of you. You are in control!

The Assessment Process

The assessment process will cover most of your life, yet at no point do I stop learning about you and your experiences. You are the only expert in the room when it comes to your life, feelings and experiences.

My expertise is in listening, creating a safe environment, building trust, providing insight, teaching news skills, and being alongside you on this journey you choose to take.

And the Journey Begins

While on this journey, you will experience bumpy roads, the breeze of memories, music that encourages emotions from experiences, roadblocks and alternate routes to get you to your destination.

No matter where you want to go, the only way out is through. Reaching the other side to healthy, happier, balanced wellness cannot be achieved by trying to get over, under, in-between, or around.

Some might say it’s a difficult path causing feelings of uncertainty. While others say in amazement that they could see the growth and progress happening.

Whatever your experience, know I will sit beside you. You are not alone.

There is no special cure or therapy style that makes everything perfect.

Together we will invest time, energy, experience and work toward wherever your destination is.

This journey can be a short- or long-term process, moving at the pace that is best for you. We will regularly assess the initial goals and the progress toward those goals.

Being in control also means the therapy journey is always your choice and is most effective when you are invested and a willing participant.

What you put into it is what you will get out of it. You have the right to end therapy at any time or whenever you are ready.

Don’t Wait Any Longer

Call Me!

It’s time for change – let’s connect!

If you have any questions or you want to schedule an appointment, I would be happy to talk to you for a free 20-minute consultation. I can be reached by phone at 847-894-5667, or you can send me a brief e-mail.

This is the day! Call for change.